Extreme obesity

Not being able to sit up

Nice thread. I fantasize about being with a guy who I feed so much he can't get up after a stuffing. And after some gain has a hard time sitting up in bed or getting off the couch or chair. Id have to help him do some of those things.
11 years

Not being able to sit up

To think about it and fantasize about it is nice. But when I consider the real world ramifications of being that fat it kills any desire I have to grow that big. I want to retain my mobility as fully as I can.
11 years

Not being able to sit up

Leishycat wrote:
OniGumo wrote:
To think about it and fantasize about it is nice. But when I consider the real world ramifications of being that fat it kills any desire I have to grow that big. I want to retain my mobility as fully as I can.

Yeah, this. My therapist asked me how I felt about such things the other day, I said the same thing. Amazingly sexy fantasy, probably a horrible reality.

I don't know I'd be able to disclose my gainer-ness to a therapist.
11 years

Not being able to sit up

hehe same here ^^
I would love to have a nice gf to tempt me in eating more and getting chubby anough that thing i could do easily before when i was fit are getting harder to do like doing situps or crunches or push ups or anything else like trying to catch her if she was naughty to me ^^.
although you can never say before (who knows what lovely beautiful smart gf i will have one day ^^) i tend to see 110kg or 120kg the most i would ever gain up to.

But in would love her teasing me about things i´m not so good anymore in or maybe she even says all the time Oh Dear you are still fit and are even fitter than me ^^(just saying it to calm me down) until the day comes she bets with me and says ha tubby i bet you can´t even catch me if you try ^^ (me beeing very sure i can^^) and if not you have to eat two weeks what i desire you to ^^

but generally i would say 120kg would be my maximum to feel still comfartable (but i don´t know lol just weighing 95 kg or so)
11 years

Not being able to sit up

fatbellygirl wrote:
my breast arent what hurts my back ts my back lol.
its shape like this S

Strengthening your core might help. You should try yoga or Pilates.
11 years

Not being able to sit up

fatbellygirl wrote:
OniGumo wrote:
fatbellygirl wrote:
my breast arent what hurts my back ts my back lol.
its shape like this S

Strengthening your core might help. You should try yoga or Pilates.

I hateee excise and I'm not losing this belly no one can make me.

Not to lose weight, to relieve your back pain. It's easy enough to exercise and be sure of not losing much weight.
11 years

Not being able to sit up

You won't be doing many crunches in Pilates and yoga.
11 years

Not being able to sit up

I like this on a slightly different level!

When my wife started gaining and was at her heaviest.....she couldn't even do a sit up no matter how hard she tried. I thought it was incredibly sexy and I loved it.

She was only a bit over 200 Lbs. at 5' 3" but got really out of shape with her belly and her stomach muscles. Like I said it was so damn sexy I couldn't even believe it....she kind of joked around at first while laying down and then really gave huge effort and still couldnt do it. She was vulnerable for one of the few times in her life. After she was done struggling she struggled to hoist her new bigger figure off the ground and came in to hug me and in a soft pouty voice she said "I am a big Fatty now".....and it was so damn cute hearing that.
10 years